We hope that everyone had an awesome Christmas with their families and friends. The first 2024 WON BASS season event at Shasta is just 35 days away! We will close out entries at 200 boats. At this time we have just over 110 Pro entries and 72 AAA entries. Don't miss the boat! Get registered today at wonbass.com
An email was sent today to each B.A.S.S. Nation state president with the names and emails of the Pro and AAA anglers already registered for the Shasta Open Jan 31 - Feb 2 based on their home state. You should be receiving an email soon to assist you in completing your B.A.S.S. Nation membership. All anglers MUST have a Bassmaster membership as well. You will need your BASSMASTER membership # to complete your B.A.S.S. Nation membership. You can join Bassmaster at the link below.
You MUST contact your home state president to complete your B.A.S.S. Nation Membership.
Here is a link to the B.A.S.S. Nation state presidents - https://www.bassmaster.com/bass-nation-chapters/
Arizona | Justin Renninger | Justinrenninger@hotmail.com | Azbassnation.com |
California | Kenneth Cleveland | kenneth_cleveland@aol.com |
Colorado | Brandon Genova | brandon@brandongenova.com | coloradobassnation.com |
Idaho | Dave Bertsch | Ibnpres@gmail.com |
Montana | Mike Dominick | Mikedominick464@gmail.com |
Nevada | Kevin Wiggins | kande1@tds.net |
New Mexico | Brian Stangel | president@nmbfn.com | www.nmbfn.com |
Oregon | Josh Marthaller | joshmarthaller@gmail.com | oregonbassfederation.org |
Utah | Rick Culver | rakkc@msn.com |
Washington | Justin Campbell | jcampbell3014@gmail.com |
Wyoming | Tim Rawlings | Timrawlings07@gmail.com |
Japan | Katsumasa Suzuki | info@japanbassnation.com |
Please feel free to reach out to them as well.
Looking forward to the coming New Year and our next big announcement scheduled for New Years Day 2024!